LPC - significado y definición. Qué es LPC
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Qué (quién) es LPC - definición

Lpc; LPC (disambiguation)

Low Pin Count [Additional explanations: interface] (Reference: ICH)
Linear Predictive Coding (Reference: voice processing)
<language> A variant of C designed ca 1988 to program LP MUDs. (1995-04-18)



LPC may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para LPC
1. therapist, LPC, a CAC3.
Mental Health Myths and Facts _ Dani Higgins _ Talks at Google
2. counselor, an LPC.
Mental Health Myths and Facts _ Dani Higgins _ Talks at Google
3. But in Colorado, it's LPC is post-licensure.
Mental Health Myths and Facts _ Dani Higgins _ Talks at Google
4. So for instance, in Ohio, an LPC is the pre-licensure version
Mental Health Myths and Facts _ Dani Higgins _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de LPC
1. There are $72.' billion in leveraged loans that still need to be sold, according to recent figures from Reuters LPC.
2. A statement released by a spokesman for John Prescott denied that there had been any meetings between ODPM ministers or officials and LPC.
3. In Lahore, the demonstration was staged outside Lahore Press Club (LPC) and participants of the demo were holding banners and placards and were also chanting slogans against the US government.
4. Prescott‘s office has confirmed that plans to change tax rules in regeneration areas are currently ‘under discussion between ODPM and Treasury‘, although they state that these discussions ‘predate any communications from LPC‘. A spokesman for Prescott has however confirmed that Blunkett sent his department correspondence from Naviede‘s property firm, including a request for reduced VAT rates for developers refurbishing council property.